
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
– Robert Swan, Author

16 Jul 2019

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The law to ban single use plastic bags has just taken effect in New Zealand and it is important that we all take responsibility and steps towards being sustainable where we can. With this in mind it is Millbrook’s responsibility to lead the way with its initiatives and ensure their staff have an understanding of the environment around them and what they can do to help protect it. 

Millbrook has 18 different departments working across different areas of the resort, so when the Environmental Group was formed it was important that at least one member from each department was a part of the group. The members of this group, each with unique insights into different aspects of the resort, work in collaboration to come up with a number of new ideas and initiatives to reduce the resorts environmental impact.  With sustainability in mind they have launched a number of new ideas from collecting all food waste for composting, setting up a larger composting system, working towards the eradication of single use plastic bottles on the resort and setting predator traps along Mill Stream to allow native bird life to flourish. There are also a number of bigger projects currently being worked on so ‘watch this space!’




As of July Millbrook Resort have rolled out their reusable coffee cup initiative, where they have provided all staff members with a reusable coffee cup. The goal is to educate and encourage their staff to stop creating waste through single use takeaway coffee cups.

“It is our responsibility as management at Millbrook Resort to be setting an example and leading the way for sustainability on the resort.  We need to ensure the staff are on board and we are giving them the tools they need to succeed in making good environmental choices now and in the future.” - Ross McLean, Hotel Manager.

The reusable coffee cups were chosen due to being made from recycled materials. The Rice Husk cups are made from a 50/50 blend of natural rice husk fibre and BPA free polypropylene which makes them fully recyclable and eco-friendly! These coffee cups are perfect for staff to use on and off the resort making them a great long-term environmental choice for staff.



“The team at Millbrook were excited to be receiving their rice husk cup and proud to be part of a company that takes reducing waste seriously. It is a great initiative put forward by the Environmental Group as all staff are eager to do their part to help. We love seeing the great team at Millbrook thinking of initiatives that benefit the wider staff.”  Katie Church – HR Manager.

We have also launched Millbrook branded Keep Cups which are for sale at the Hole In One Cafe, size large $27.00 and size small $25.00.  These keep cups are a great way for our customers to be environmentally friendly in their everyday lives. 



If you would like to know more about our sustainability practices at Millbrook Resort then please visit out Sustainability page.  

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